What We Eat in a Week – Successfully Eating Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, and Egg-Free (15+ Recipes)

Oh, holy cow you guys. I think I might be allergic to dairy (cue sarcastic half-hearted woo’s). I currently am working on eating dairy-free and egg-free (already an allergen I just didn’t take it as seriously as I should’ve) for the next four weeks to test the waters, and we’ve been gluten-free for a couple years now. When thinking of going dairy-free it sounded really daunting, not gonna lie.

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Cheesy Bacon and Ham Breakfast Loaf (Gluten-Free and Egg-Free)

This recipe gives you a delicious combination of a quiche and breakfast sandwich all baked into one, and EVERY bite is like that. The cheese creates little puddles of goodness throughout the loaf and if you reheat a slice in an oven, toaster oven, or air fryer, the whole outside becomes a toasty cheesy shell and it’s ah-mazing. However, that is not the end to this beautiful piece of art, it also tastes freshly baked when reheated, like c’mon, how much better can this bread be??

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P.S. Love Mom: French Toast – A Passed Down Recipe (Series Debut)

Growing up my mom was the best person in my mind (and still is today). She always let us have friends over, do whatever we wanted (or so we thought), and she always made breakfast on Sunday morning. One of the family favorites for breakfast was french toast. Now, growing up I didn’t know that my mom made the best french toast, so when I would go to friend’s houses or restaurants and have french toast I was always disappointed. So here is the super secret french toast recipe! 😉

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The Gluten-Free Skeptic: The Best Gluten-Free Bagel Recipes So Far

If you have been gluten-free (GF) for a hot second you’ll know that the bagels in stores are either cruddy, lifeless bread rolls with a hole in the middle, are stupidly expensive, or (most of the time) it’s both. I have yet to find a single GF bagel that even vaguely reminds me of a bagel. So, I turned to my kitchen, floured up my hands, and got to work. Our pantry has been taken over from this escapade, and I think I may have finally found a good recipe, or two!

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The Gluten-Free Skeptic: Fluffy Japanese Souffle Pancakes (Recipe)

Here is a tried and true recipe for the pancakes that are all the rage right now. I made this four times to get it just right, and am very happy with the results! If you’ve been hearing about this craze but are GF and can’t just buy them from somewhere else and/or are worried that a GF recipe just won’t be worthwhile, drop what you’re doing and make these right now. I promise they will work and they will be some of the best pancakes your taste buds have encountered.

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